1. Congratulate them
Congrats you just got
– you made a great decision because this product will help you [remind them of the benefit of the front end product]
Congratulations you just picked up an amazing package. The Pistol Package is a surefire way to take A LOT of tasks off your plate! Now that we have everything automated….THE ONLY THING LEFT TO DO……is SCALE.
2. Problem
Talk about the problem that they’re going to face next or the one they have right now that will prevent them from getting the result they want.
Now the next goal is to get MORE LEADS…..FASTER!!!!
Cold Calling is a numbers game and you gotta go through some numbers before it hits
Sometimes those numbers come early!
We have had over 15 clients close a deal their first week with us!
And Sometimes those numbers take time to happen!
Best thing you can do is double down on your systems
3. Agitate (Make It Hurt, Awaken The Pain)
Make the problem hurt. Why is this problem going to hurt their progress?
We have learned at lead mining that a first goal is to really get some dials out, you want to be dialing atleast 500 dials a week to see some traction and potentially up to 1000 dials a week to have a really consistent flow at your fingertips
4. Solve
[talk about product]
This package is amazing because its DOUBLE EVERYTHING…..except the price!
And this is extremely valuable because
Twice the Lead Flow
Twice the opportunities
Less than twice the price!
5. Qualify Yourself
Remind them why you’re qualified to teach them about this
When I was an executive at the real estate education company, I spoke to our clients time after time again. They had just spent THOUSANDS on a direct mail campaign…..and many wouldn’t even receive 1 call. It was heartbreaking to hear about $3000 invested and the phone not ringing once!
I knew at that time I had to create a solution so investors could get true TRACTION in their business at a fraction of the cost.
6. Offer breakdown (exactly what you get)
Here’s exactly what you get
-750 Records Pulled matching your criteria
-750 Records skip traced
-1000 Professionally Trained American Dials
-500 Managed Text Messages
That’s a total value of $1500
We will normally sell this for $550 on our main website.
But because you’re an action taker, because you’re my newest customer, because you’re special… You can get it for just $482
Yes! You can get the for just $482 today!
(Compare to everyday things)
*That’s half the cost of an iphone
*That’s the cost of small gocart
*That’s not even 1 ferrari
This is a one time offer. If you leave this page you won’t get this discount anymore.
7. Fast action bonuses (2-3)
And you’re also going to get these extra bonuses for FREE
[Bonus Name]: [Course access maybe?] ($250 value)
These bonuses are worth $XX on their own!
You get them for FREE with your if you act today only!